Hill Street Dundalk
LRD application website only €699 excl. taxes in 24h. Burnt Chrome
Zirbac DLK Ltd intend to make a planning application for planning permission for a large scale residential development (LRD) at this site Hill Street/Dublin Road to the rear of dwellings that front Hill Street (Line Terrace), Gosling’s Terrace and Avenue Road (Long Avenue), Dundalk, Co. Louth. The development known as Mourne View Hall adjoins parts of the east and south boundaries of the application site. The development will consist of 194no. apartments (32no. 1-bed, 133no. 2-bed and 29no. 3-bed) in 8no. distinctive blocks (A to H) ranging in height from part one storey to five storeys in height across the site together with all associated public, communal and private open space, car parking, cycle parking (including lockers) and bin storage structures, all associated site development works and services including public lighting and 2no. ESB substations. Site works include the raising of the site in parts and the diversion of existing piped infrastructure.

The proposed development provides for a childcare facility within Block A. The childcare facility will have its own outdoor play space and set down area as well as staff car parking and bicycle parking. In order to preserve the integrity of the existing pedestrian/cycle track from the Dublin Road to the Avenue Road (Long Avenue) and the open section of the River Blackwater that run north-south broadly through the centre of the site, two separate vehicular accesses are proposed to serve the development from the Dublin Road/Hill Street. A pedestrian/cycle only link will be provided across the Blackwater River. The first vehicular access will be a new access onto Dublin Road / Hill Street and will serve 75 dwellings. The second vehicular access is the existing access road onto Dublin Road at Mourne View Hall which will provide access to 119no. apartments. A new bus stop will also be provided fronting onto Dublin Road along with cycle stands for the proposed Dundalk Bike Scheme.